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Managing Pain After Tooth Extraction

When you have pain after tooth extraction, it can disrupt your daily routine and distract you from essential obligations. With major dental surgeries, like wisdom tooth extraction, you may feel discomfort for several days after your procedure. 

The dental experts at Hometown Family Dental Centers aim to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery after tooth extraction. Our specialists see patients in Raeford, Vass, and Fayetteville, North Carolina, so there’s always someone nearby to provide outstanding oral care. Here, we offer at-home tips to help you manage pain after tooth extraction.

Is pain after tooth extraction normal?

After tooth extraction, your gums need time to heal. You may have pain or sensitivity at the extraction site for one to three days, but you should notice an improvement after that point. If the pain worsens, call one of our dentists for advice.

How to manage pain

Pain management following a tooth extraction differs depending on each individual. However, you can try several methods to reduce your pain while your mouth recovers. Use these tools and practices to lower your pain levels and get back to your routine faster.

Over-the-counter painkillers

Many people find relief with over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen or naproxen. These painkillers can help reduce inflammation as well as alleviate pain.

If you experience severe pain following a tooth extraction, your dentist might prescribe stronger painkillers.

Apply ice

Ice can help reduce swelling and numb the area. When you use ice, don’t apply it directly to your skin. Instead, wrap it in a towel, and hold it against your face for 20 minutes. Then remove it for another 20 minutes. You can repeat this cycle for the first 24 hours after your extraction.

Rinse with saltwater

The day after your extraction, rinse your mouth with 1 cup of warm water mixed with a ½ teaspoon of salt. Keeping the extraction site clean with salt water helps prevent infection, and you may find that the warm water eases your pain.

The saltwater solution also cleanses the wound. Make sure you rinse gently, however, so you don’t disturb the blood clot in your gums.

Eat soft foods

When you experience pain and sensitivity after a tooth extraction, you can avoid irritating the extraction site by eating soft foods. In the few days following your procedure avoid crunchy or chewy foods. Instead, try:

As you recover, you can progress to more solid soft foods like rice or cooked vegetables before returning to your regular diet.


Rest is a natural part of your body’s recovery process. It can help you return to your normal activities sooner than trying to work through the pain. Plan to rest for about 24 hours after a tooth extraction, and be patient with your healing.

Call us if you’re experiencing pain

We provide comprehensive aftercare so you can easily manage tooth extraction pain on your own. When you have concerns about dental pain, call Hometown Family Dental Centers. 

If you have questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment, contact the office convenient to you, or use this secure form to request an appointment online.

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